1)Peter Carey's Booker
Prize winning novel imagines Australia's youth, before its dynamic passions
became dangerous habits. It is also a startling and unusual love story. Oscar
is a young English clergyman who has broken with his past and developed a disturbing
talent for gambling. A country girl of singular ambition, Lucinda moves to
Sydney, driven by dreams of self-reliance ...
A. "Oscar and Lucinda", Peter Carey
2)The speaker, referring to the
country that he has left, says that it is "no country for old men":
it is full of youth and life, with the young lying in one another's arms, birds
singing in the trees, and fish swimming in the waters. There, "all
summer long" the world rings with the "sensual music" that
makes the young neglect the old, whom the speaker describes as "Monuments
of unageing intellect." An old man, the speaker says, is a "paltry
thing," merely a tattered coat upon a stick, unless his
soul can clap its hands and sing; and the only way for the soul to learn how to
sing is to study “monuments of its own magnificence." Therefore,
the speaker has “sailed the seas and come / To the holy city
of Byzantium." The speaker addresses the sages "standing
in God's holy fire / As in the gold mosaic of a wall," and
asks them to be his soul's "singing-masters." He
hopes they will consume his heart away, for his heart "knows
not what it is"--it is "sick with desire / And
fastened to a dying animal," and the speaker wishes to
be gathered "Into the artifice of eternity."The
speaker says that once he has been taken out of the natural world, he will no
longer take his "bodily form" from
any "natural thing," but rather will fashion himself
as a singing bird made of hammered gold, such as Grecian goldsmiths make "To
keep a drowsy Emperor awake," or set upon a tree of
gold "to sing / To lords and ladies of Byzantium / Or what is past, or
passing, or to come."
Surfacing, her second novel is structured around the point of view
of a young woman who travels with her friends on a lake in Northern Quebec, to
search for her missing father. This psychological mystery tale presents a
compelling study of a woman who is also searching for herself- present, past
and future.
6) Who
among the following wrote a book with the title The Age of
Reason ?
8) Which of the
following author book pair is incorrectly matched ?
.A)cavalier B)metaphysical C)transitional D)pre-romantic Ans:A"MASTER
10)HAROLD"...and the boys is a play Set in 1950, it was first produced at the
Yale Repertory Theatre in March 1982 and made its premiere on Broadway on 4 May
at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 344 performances.
A. "Oscar and Lucinda", Peter Carey
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